
William Johns

Managing Director, Principal Financial Planner & Founder

Founder of HFI, William is a pioneer in the areas of disability and illness personal finance. Uniquely, William combined extremely rare insight being dually qualified. He is a disability expert and has been recognised as an emerging leader by the Australian Government; and a highly skilled and qualified Certified Financial Planning and has been awarded Australia’s highest achievements by the Financial Planning Association of Australia.

Using his skills he has helped hundreds of Australians move forward with certainty in highly stressful situations. In order to deliver such outcomes, the person’s situation is examined thoroughly including how our services could be delivered in an accessible way.

Areas of specialisation:

  • Transition planning
  • Medical retirement planning
  • Taxation ( Insurance claims, Special Disability Trust)
  • Public and Community Housing Eligibility
  • Insurance claims
  • Centrelink related matters including disability pensions
  • Superannuation related incapacity matters
  • Special Disability Trusts
  • Private client support including estate administration and project management of complex affairs
  • Planning for future needs including trustee support
  • Executive coaching and support
William has particular interest in neurological and movement disorders, autoimmune diseases, and illnesses or disabilities that result in congnitive challenges. He is a lead adviser and has featured for MS Australia, Parkinson’s Victoria, Autism Advisory and many more. As a carer for someone he loves and adores that lives with MS, he understands how a strong family fabric means no one is forgotten in the planning process. William is the adviser of choice for people with disabilities, their families. However he will not make you feel different.


  • Master in Disability Studies (Flinders Uni. School of Medicine)
  • Bachelor in Business (Applied Finance & Financial Planning)
  • Certified Financial Planner (Deaken University & FPA)
  • Self-Managed Superannuation Fund Specialist (Kaplan)
  • Certificate IV in Credit & Lending
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